Self Doubt is a biggie when it comes to success. It can be the difference between running a success business or running a business as a hobby!!
When I started to work on myself the biggest thing holding me back was my confidence, I had no belief or trust in my abilities and questioned everything I was doing.
I knew I needed to make changes and break the cycle I was in but I questioned whether I had the strength to do it.
Transformational work can be scary, it can leave us feeling vulnerable and exposed, unsure of what the outcome looks like while stepping out of our comfort zones for the first time!!!!
Confidence is a very personal thing and it is so important to recognise that we are all different and that no one is better than the other. We all deal with life differently based on our experiences, beliefs and our thoughts.
Working as a mindset coach I have seem our self doubt and lack of belief can have on our success. It can really knock your socks off and leave you questioning everything around you.
Re-building confidence requires effort, time and honesty, but you will really notice a difference.
My 10 steps below have helped to rebuild my clients self Beleif and transform their confidence alloweing them to take back control. Each ones has its own unique way to help you improve your self-belief and give you a nudge in the right direction.
- Control of your life. Your life is yours and your alone, no one else can live it for you. ‘If you don’t like something take control and change it’. If you find the news depressing switch channels, if you are feeling low or frustrated meet up with friends who make you laugh. Take control and make a difference. If you want to change BE that change.
‘Life is 10% what happens and 90% how you respond to it” It is your choice.
- Surround yourself with Positive people. Negativity breads negativity!!! I am not saying you need to change your friendship circle but if you are spending more time with negative people the chances are you are going to come away from them feeling very flat and down yourself.
Surround yourself with people who inspire you, make you feel uplifted and believe in what you do.
- Transform your thoughts. Our minds are incredible and so amazingly powerful – the sooner we all realise that the better. We can achieve anything we put our mind to – our thoughts affect our outcomes. Thinking and feeling more positive will attract more positive things into your life.
Energy follows thought and everything you have in life is a direct reflection on what is going on in your mind.
- Choose to be successful. Life is about choices and it is down to YOU what you CHOOSE to have in your life. Life is 10% what happens and 90% how you respond to it. Being aware of your choices and taking responsibility of your actions will help you to make the right decision to think, choose, and succeed
- Revisit WOW moments. We have all experienced a time when we felt really proud of something we did and /or overcame, which left us feeling on a high, buzzing and full of energy. Think back to previous successes, to a time when your experience success and did something that made you proud. Get back into that zone – how were you thinking back then, what thoughts ran through your mind, how did you feel? How was your body language? How did you talk to yourself?
Take a moment to remind yourself of that person, step back into those shoes and connect with them feelings of self-belief and confidence.
- Be open to learn and expand your knowledge. We are NEVER, EVER to old to learn something new and try new things, new ways of thinking, new techniques. Every obstacle we encounter provides us with feedback and an opportunity to learn and grow. Being open and flexible to this will help to make those choices earlier. You can learn so much from so many people these days. We have access to peoples lives a lot more now, giving us the opportunity to tap into their knowledge, their success and adapt it into our way of lives.
- Be flexible with your approach and open to change. If you want to make changes you need to be that change. You need to be flexible and adapt to change to ensure you reach your full potential. If something doesn’t quite work the first time, try something different and see the results.
Life is about moving with the times, trying new things, new approaches, new gadgets. Be open with your approach; assess what is working for you and what isn’t. Look at new effective; fun ways for you to get the results you are after.
If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always got!!!!
- Manage your GOALS – Break them down and keep them simple. It is so important in life to have goals –“if you don’t know where you are going, how do you know you have arrived? “ What is equally important is to make sure these goals clear and achieveable – don’t set them too high and become demotivated when you don’t reach them, or don’t set them to low and not challenge yourself.
Get Clear on what you want and write it down and then break them down.
Monitor your progress regularly that way you can make any necessary changes you need to, to achieve your goals. Only 1% of people write down and review their goals. 80% don’t write anything down!!!! The choice is yours. Do one thing each day that moves you closer to your goals
- Take the pressure off… There is no such thing as failure, it is simply an opportunity to begin again and learn from your mistakes. PHEW, thank goodness for that. Now you have no excuses!!!
We are all guilty of not doing something through fear of failing or looking bad, but if you recognize and understand failure doesn’t exist and it is JUST another opportunity to try again it helps you feel more confident about stepping out of your comfort zone. Challenge yourself to do something you were putting off each week. The first step is the hardest and you only have to do it once. Look back at how far you have come, the lessons you have learnt and how you can do things NOW that will allow you to achieve your goals.
- Let things go… Sometimes you just have to let things go. Don’t be afraid to let go of your past, of negative thoughts or experiences that are holding you back.
Start each day with a fresh start, full of bright ideas on what you want to achieve.
Sometimes as hard as it is we need to recognise that we can’t do anything to change things and therefore we need to just let them go. It is all about choices. Choose to move on, move upwards and to achieve whatever we put our minds too
Remember you can achieve anything you put your mind too.
Love as Always
Emma xxx
P.S. If you are ready to grab the bull by the horns and create the success you know deep down you are destined for, book a call today to find out about my Mindset Intensive that will help you to get really clear on your limitations, fears and emotional triggers so we can put together a unique Mindset Formula that will enable you to create solid growth foundation to create new beliefs, take control of your thought patterns and above all take action allowing you to show up daily, be consistent action and kick procrastination to the curb!!