Unapologetic Rebel is my signature 6 week course for my powerhouse women who are ready to step into their most authentic, convicted & magnetic self to create f*%k off results in life & business in the most unapologetic rebellious way…
Where we go all in on YOU…
If you want to say “fuck the rules” and design a life that feels limitless, alive, expansive and rewarding AF… this is the space to do it.
By building the most solid internal systems & strengthening the deepest levels of
Mental resilience,
Courage, Conviction & Bravery
Personal power,
Self awareness,
Emotional intelligence,
Self Trust & Belief
Unapologetic Rebel is for you if you want to say “fuck the rules” and design a life that feels juicy, alive and #unfiltered… this is the space to do it
NOT because you focused on the ‘outcome’, and DID all the things – But because you focused on BEING the type of human who couldn’t NOT experience that outcome even if they tried.
By focusing on who you ARE. Who you BE.
It’s time to KNOW the truth about what is possible for you!!…..
Lets see if this is right for you…..
Unapologetic Rebel is for you – my powerhouse women who are ready to step into their most authentic, convicted & magnetic self to create f*%k off results in life & business in the most unapologetic rebellious way.
Who has experienced good results BUT know they are still holding themeselves BUT know to their core they have so much more to give, achieve and experience.
And are ready to……
👀BE SEEN by the right people,
👀BE SEEN as an unapologetic rebel that holds their power no matter what,
👀BE SEEN as the unapologetic rebel who doesn’t get distracted by what others are doing and focuses on the simple things that matter!
👀BE SEEN as unapologetic rebel who powerfully leads themselves through the hard stuff and doesn’t make themselves wrong for it
👀 BE SEEN as the unapologetic rebel who knows exactly who they are and what they want and isn’t afraid to go after their big audacious desires
👀BE SEEN as a courageous unapologetic rebel who holds their trust through the good, the bad and the slow
👀 BE SEEN as unapologetic rebel who can hold illogical growth and results and make courageous decisions to make it happen
👀 BE SEEN as an unapologetic rebel who knows their worth, 3x, 4x, 5x their prices and still has people buying
Here’s the thing…
If you’ve done the strategy course, you’ve nailed the foundations but aren’t seeing what you want to see in your business, I’ll tell you why..
People don’t just want info anymore – we’ve got google for that
People aren’t buying ‘offers’ anymore –
They’re not just buying ‘results’
They’re not even buying skill sets
People are buying based off of WHO the person is behind those offers
Their embodiment.
Their leadership.
Their conviction.
Their way of BEING and DOING life & Biz!
And this should always be the number strategy and focus before anything else.
People WILL pay – and wanna pay the big bucks – to be led by someone who is embodied in:
Owning who they are and what they do in the most unapologetic and rebellious way – this is what people feel or don’t feel when they go to buy
Has built SOLID self trust not just in them but in the journey to success
Has built and nailed self leadership & embodied leadership on & offline.
Is a genuine EXPANDER not jut for them BUT for others in how they lead themselves and their business.
Has extremely deep levels of emotional intelligence.
This is PURE MAGNETISM and creates ‘I don’t even really know who you are – but I’m in’
It’s what separates YOU from the rest!
One decision – One thought – One Emotion -One Action
has the POWER to change it all!!…..
This is the course where…..
Learn exactly who you need to be to at least double last year’s income
Become the person who sets high standards and prices and doesn’t waver in them
Detach from needing external validation to feel convicted within yourself
Raise the bar for the types of clients you are available for and be unapologetic about it
Become solid in self belief and not waver when you see others doing things differentl
Show up for yourself and hold your power regardless of what is going on
When you BECOME an UNAPOLOGETIC REBEL who is so SOLID in their VALUE, their MISSION, their POWER…..
Everything shifts.
This is what normally happens…
We set out intentions and feel really excited and powerful at the start ——— We start selling, creating the content, doing the work——— we build traction——-but over time things slow down AND we enter a cycle
Something feels off ———- but I know I’m good at what I do ——— but why is no one else seeing that? ———-when I make more money, then people will see that ———- but to make more money, I need to feel better about what I’m doing ———-but why do things still feel off?———-am I even supposed to do this? ——- wtaf am I doing? ——-no one cares……..
The cycle will continue until you build something from WITHIN
Something that doesn’t shift based on what’s happening outside of you
The cycle will continue until you tap into who YOU specifically came here to be,
How YOU came here to lead.
I can GUARANTEE you.. when you focus on that at the level that we do in Unapologetic Rebel
You will experience a life, business & success bigger than you actually ever could have imagined.
I know with everything I have and to my absolute core everything you want is yours already
You just need to quit trying be like everyone else, doing all the bullshit ‘things’ you think you should be doing!
And trust in yourself enough to break free from the limits you’ve created around you!
The life you’re here to live isn’t created by doing what everyone else is doing
Being a diluted version of who you truly are
Following trends
Reacting to people’s responses, reactions and inactions
Tying your emotions and worth up with external validations
It’s created and built through rebelling against the bullshit pressures, the should’s, the need to’s we’ve conditioned ourselves into thinking hold the key to all the answers, formulas and secrets to getting what we want
YOU are the key to your success
YOU are the missing piece
YOU are the STRATEGY to making things happen
While everything else we’ve attached to our success (the strategies, our sales page, our prices and our offers) plays a part it all means NOTHING if the human behind it all aka YOU is drained to fuck, trying to be someone they aren’t, constantly comparing yourself to others and ignoring what you truly want! (you know I mean biz when I bring out the bold, italic and underline to make a point!!! 🤪😜)
This is the program where ou get to meet yourself at an ENTIRELY new level.
- You move in ways you’ve never moved before..Not because you should BUT because you WANT TO because it excites you, it feels aligned and because you TRUST in your way being perfect for you.
- You start BEING who you’ve always wanted to be, taking up space, playing in your bigness, leveraging your personality & uniqueness, unattached to your ego, MAGNETIC to your people and your desired outcomes
- You lead with the deepest levels of courage and downright BALLSINESS (my fave!!)
- You fall in love with the business & life you’re creating – nothing is ‘have to’ ‘should’ – it’s “I can’t f*cking wait to post this, sell this, create this, do this, have this’
- You come ALIVE and so does your business, your relationships, your bank balance, savings, wellbeing and your happiness
- You create a long term mindset of BIGNESS because you learn how to start playing with the bigness of your potential and bigness of what is truly possible for YOU
In my world we get to play with magic.
And bring to LIFE results that many will never allow themselves to experience and in that..
By Products of Becoming an Unapologetic Rebel:
When you STOP trying to be like everyone else.
Something comes alive in you that immediately expands how you see, be and do life…
Picture This:
Saying f*ck off to insecurities & hello to taking life by the balls to get exactly what you desire
Being completely unavailable for anything other than success (whatever that means to YOU)
Feeling rock solid in yourself no matter what room you’re standing in
Playing into the law of expectation so you just EXPECT to get what you want (aka. I’m gonna show you how to use entitlement to your advantage)
Bending reality to be in YOUR favour
Overcoming your fear of rejection so you can go after the shit you want vs always sitting by the sidelines
When we started working together, I was exhausted, uninspired and caught up in the world of DOING. I’d forgotten who I was.
I was drawn to Emma’s positive energy. I’ve worked with coaches before – but she has an amazing ability to make you believe you are truly limitless. She listens without judgment & challenges all your old limits.
Now, I can handle the pressures of my job with absolute trust & create a huge impact on my team.
Reconnecting with the “human side” of leadership has enabled me to create high-performance impact & results throughout the business. Emma is outstanding. She certainly knows her stuff! I’d highly recommend her to other professionals, looking for a trusted sounding board to navigate the stresses of work & life”
Unapologetic Rebel isn’t just a course for your business – it’s where YOU take your power back, HOLD your POWER & build yourself up to BE into your own biggest expander all while deeply falling in love with who you are, and how you do life.
I’m just letting you know that this is not the space for victimhood, whining or looping the same shit that you have for the past 12+ years.
This is where you let that go!
I will guide you, be honest with you, push you, support you, celebrate you and above all hold you in the deepest levels of love and safety as you come alive in the most rebellious, potent, magnetic way
I’m not just your coach and you’re not simply my client..
You are my human!!!!
We will build the most deep, expansive, incredible, vulnerable and SAFE relationships together
We will laugh, cry, heal, expand & skyrocket in Life and business
Truly this 1-1 spaces is next level
That’s all There is to it .
This will be the year you meet your..
“I feel so much more organised, energised, balanced and have more purpose and confidence in what I am doing day to day.”
“I originally reached out to Emma as I felt my business was swimming around in circles.
I am a coach myself offering an online service-based business, but I didn’t have a clear idea of where I was heading over the coming months/years. I had been looking for a coach/mentor for some time and found Emma through a colleague.
Emma has been a really important part of my business over the last few months. We’ve had fortnightly check-ins and I have been able to open up to Emma without feeling judged to discuss anything I felt needed addressing both personally and within the business.
We’ve worked hard on setting out some foundations (business vision and values), the money mindset, my programme structure, tidying up loose ends, setting boundaries, breaking through barriers, setting monthly intentions, and much much more.
I feel so much more organised, energised, balanced and have more purpose and confidence in what I am doing day to day. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Emma to someone who needs some direction and support in business or personal life.”
Next Steps:
This isn’t the programme I teach you how to journal or write affirmations.
We’re going deep on healing, deciding, declaring and SOLIDIFYING the unwavering, Limitless version of you.
So you DON’T rely on a morning routine, positive start to the day, signing a client or anything else OUTSIDE of you to receive and smash through every single one of your goals.
👉You can overcome, work through and MOVE through any doubts, fears or situations that come up in a heartbeat when you become the LIMITLESS woman.
The Unapologetic Rebel – FAQs
How does the Program work?
Unapoloetic Rebel is a LIVE Group Program
Min of 6 Trainings (roughly 90mins long)
You will have lifetime acces to all replays and Integration Workbooks
Can I get personal support from Emma in The Unapologetic Rebel?
1-1 Sessions are not included in this porgram however if you wish to book a 1:1 Coaching Session with Emma then you can apply here
Price of 60 min call £395.00
** payment options are available
Can you guarantee my success?
Truth bomb time.. the only person that can guarantee your success is YOU. I promise to deliver the content needed for you to reach success, you gotta promise to implement. Deal?