Welcome to the Life Beyond Limits Podcast
Get inspired and fired up with Emma Gibbs-Ng, founder of the Life Beyond Limits Podcast, bringing Mindset to life!
The Life Beyond Limits Podcast brings together incredible stories of inspiring people from around the world who have achieved greatness, overcome adversity and never given up.
The host, Emma Gibbs-Ng also combines her personal experiences of overcoming multiple traumas along with her experience as a leading Mindset Coach, to inspire, influence and help thousands of people to break down their self doubt habits, build real inner confidence and to believe in themsleves again.
Do you struggle with perfectionism, people pleasing or comparisons? Do you worry what others will think of you or worse still what will happen if something goes wrong? Are you playing it safe?
This week I am sharing with you the Top 3 habits that hold you back from achieving your goals and creating the life you want and HOW to break the vicious cycle that keeps you stuck!
What is the difference between Masculine & feminine energy & why is it important to me?!
Good question!
This week Natalia Komis is talking about the impact these 2 energies have on your overall life and why it is so important to create balance!
Have you ever wondered why you struggle to push past certain levels of success or that no matter what you do – you still can’t get the same outcomes you see others achieving everyday?
If the answer is YES then todays episode is just for you.
I will be sharing with you just how Powerful & effective Managing Your Mind is for changing & transforming your Limited thinking and what you need to do to break the cycle so you can create the results & life you know you are capable of.
How you think creates your world……..Stick with me here. Your thoughts – your habits, your beliefs AFFECT everything – they impact our feelings, our actions & OUR RESULTS!
Whatever you think on the inside you attract on the outside. If you think from a place of lack – I can’t afford…, I haven’t got enough time… then all you will create is evidence of lack or money and time
If you think from a place of success & abundance – I’m successful in everything I do….. I’m worthy of success…..I prosper where ever I turn…… then you create opportunities, ideas, results that will support this.
If you want to change something you need to CHANGE your thinking NOT what you are doing.
This week I share with you HOW you can start to create a life full of success, happiness & high performance results.
We are all guilty of neglecting our self care especially when we are busy and have loads to do.
Our natural thought is to put others before ourselves and to help them as much as we can BUT the truth is WE NEED TO PUT OURSELVES FIRST.
If we want to show up and perform to a high level and achieve huge success we need to put ourselves first – we can’t deliver if we are running on empty and as a results we let things slip or we make silly mistakes!
This week I am sharing with you how to STOP being selfish and to start putting yourself first.
Your life is a result of repeated thoughts & habits!
Over time our habits become part of who we are and what we do – we function on autopilot!
BUT working on autopilot doesn’t create change and keeps us in a cycle where we get the same results on a daily basis.
The fastest and most effective way to create new results – new outcomes is to form new HABITS and in order to form these new habits we need to update our IDENTITY – Our thoughts.
Repetition is helps you to create this powerful change – it allows you to reprogram your thoughts, consciously and purposely – which over time allows you to form new habits.
Today I am sharing with you how you can create NEW habits, new behaviours, new results all through the power of repetition!
Your Life is a reflection of YOU! Whatever you have in your life represents what is going on internally and what limits you have!
Have you ever wondered why you aren’t getting the results you want or you aren’t earning the money you know you can and it doesn’t matter what you DO – nothing seems to make a difference?
It can be frustrating, upsetting, demoralising even. It eats away at your confidence, your self belief and your actions!
Today Im going to share with you how to identify your limits and recognise the impact it has on all areas of your life BUT more importantly what you can do to make the changes you need to make!
To create new results, new sales, new outcomes the change doesn’t come from what you DO , it comes from who you need to BE to make a difference!
Our thoughts drive everything and if you’re running your life through old programming based on your limiting beliefs it really doesn’t matter what action you take. – you will never get the results you are after!
You need to Upgrade your thinking first and that all starts with YOU!
I will be sharing with you 3 steps to help you understand your money mindset and work through any limiting beliefs you have around money so you can start to reframe your thoughts and create a stronger more abundant relationship with your finances.
What would your life be like if you conditioned yourself for success every day?
What could you achieve? What would be possible?
My life changed dramatically when I asked myself these questions and decided to try it out! So try it out too!
Lets use this new start to lay down the right foundations to really condition our minds for success.
But when you slow everything down you start to See things for what they are. You notice lessons, you see where you’re holding yourself back, old habits that are out of date helping you to break cycle, consciously make new choices and to think again!!!
- set yourself up for success & serve with excellence
- Determine the feelings you’re after
Get aligned with what is meaningful for your results
Clarity isn’t something we have. It’s something we generate and the best way to do that is to ask yourself questions, research, test the water, try new things.
When we have this information we can then use it to help us think about tomorrow and what we need to do to stay connected with what matters today!
- What is self sabotage
- 7 common behaviours of self sabotage
- How to mange it effectively
Today I will be talking about:
• The impact your energy has on your productivity
• Common Daily Energy Leaks
• How to Protect your Energy levels
The feedback was incredible and so I have invited him back to talk some more only this time we are going to delve a bit deeper into his Mindset and get an insight into how he prepares for some of the most testing and dangerous challenges.
While we are all in lockdown Scott is in the middle of a gruelling training program to prepare him for his biggest challenge to date – Badwater!
Since speaking to Sam she has climbed Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Everest and I wanted to bring her back because I wanted to talk to her a little bit more about her mindset.
Having faced so many challenges. And so much adversity where she’s had to make life changing choices. I really wanted to understand what goes on inside for her mindset that enables her to keep going.
And so today we’re going to really be getting an insight into Sam’s high performance thinking, looking at routines & strategies that have helped her through her recovery but also to prepare to climb the biggest mountains in the world.
Emma is sharing with you some fun but effective ways to stay focused, avoid procrastination and get stuff done!
This week Emma is sharing how to create a powerful morning routine that helps you to be positive, productive and focused.
We are all adjusting to a new way of loving and working. It can feel overwhelming.
This week Emma is sharing 3 steps to help to reduce overwhelm and how to navigate your way through these crazy times
This week I am talking about Overwhelm.
Today Stuart is talking to me about his journey to success, how he copes with the pressures of being World No 1, what he does to mentally prepare himself for success and how he stays focused on his goals……
During this episode I will be sharing with you why we have made a few changes to the podcast, primarily the name and what to expect over the forthcoming series