Do you need more self-belief… to finally believe in yourself and what’s possible?
Do you need more clarity… to address and work through your fears?
Do you need more focus… ensuring you take consistent action and don’t lose faith?
Would it change your life if you knew how to switch off self doubt and overwhelm? If you could stop feeling trapped, stuck and frustrated, so you could lay down the foundations to start making the right choices, and take action that is in alignment with your goals and desire?
Are you fed up with going round in circles, doing the same things and getting the same results, while comparing yourself to others and wondering why it is always so difficult for you? Are you feeling frustrated with where your life is at, and know deep down you were destined for more, if only you could figure out what that looked like and how to get started?
Are you constantly being reminded of when things have gone wrong in the past, and find yourself stuck in Groundhog Day with the same thoughts, feelings, actions and results?
I am looking for women who are ready to break the cycle of self doubt, overwhelm and frustration and help them to gain clarity, confidence and focus so they can make 2018 their best year yet 👊
Join my exclusive 5 day Challenge starting on Mon 23rd April, where you will learn how to get really clear on what you want, why you want and more importantly how you can achieve it. 💞
My name is Emma Gibbs-Ng and I am a certified in Life & Mindset Coaching, NLP and Hypnotherapy, who over the last 6 years has helped people to transform their lives in ways that allow them to feel FREE from guilt, fear, self doubt and overwhelm.
Having suffered multiple traumas during my life such as sexual & physical abuse, fertility struggles and redundancy, I know first hand what is it like to live a life controlled by fear and doubt. I have questioned my self worth and been pushed to the edge where I didn’t know where to turn.
I doubted myself, I let the past control my future for so long and I took the steps to finally change all that.
I have now made it my mission to use my experience and knowledge to help transform the lives of others and to inspire and encourage women to push past fear, to follow your dreams and to become the heroine of your story.👊
💞Join me on Monday 23rd April and join me for your FREE 5 day challenge.
👇🏻Click below to register.
During the 5 days we will work together in an exclusive group to help you to:
✨Understand the importance of focusing on the RIGHT things.
✨Identify what success and happiness looks like to you
✨Understand what you don’t want and what is holding you back from achieving true success
✨Connect with the right people and resources to take your success to a level you have only dreamt of.
I can’t wait to see you there.
Love as Always xx