I have been feeling really overwhelmed these last few days with so much to do and such little time to do it!!! I was struggling to see the wood through the trees and everything felt like an uphill battle!!!! I need to start packing for our move, chuck loads of crap out I don’t need but hang onto just in case and try and keep as much normality for Max.
Do you often feel this way?
Are you letting things get on top of you?
When things get on top of you you have to make more of an effort to keep going and push through it. Momentum is key and forces you to stay focused. By breaking everything down and choosing to go with the flow and not worry about the things I can’t control I found myself feeling calmer.
Down sizing your workload is a game changer – It takes the pressure off straight away and really gives you the chance to breathe and relax a bit more. I have been using my Dream jar for a while now and the results have been fab, so I thought I would try and do something similar with my packing and getting stuff done.
I created a Packing/Chores Jar: I wrote everything down I needed to do on separate pieces on paper and popped them in the jar. Every day I would pick one note and that would be the focus for me day. If I had time I picked out another but I kept that optional so I didn’t put the pressure on myself.
It made a real difference and stopped that annoying little thing called procrastination kicking in as well. Jonno is very impressed with my sorting – I even managed to get rid of some clothes and took 3 bin bags full to our local charity shops, leaving me feeling even more accomplished.
When you commit to making changes and creating the life you deserve, you don’t have to do everything all at once. Like how I felt – it leaves you feeling overwhelmed and resistance kicks in.
Be realistic.
Break everything down.
Consistency is key and if you are doing something everyday that is awesome.
If something is working in one area of your life – i.e. the Dream/Goal Jar, look at how you can use it in other parts of your life too.
Keep it simple
Take a breath
There is always a solutions to everything whether it is packing, letting go, learning to trust, being open for opportunities, everything.
Love as Always
Emma xx
P.S. Remember to head over to my Facebook group and let me know how you are getting on.
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P.P.S. There are 2 Coaching spaces this month for anyone who feels ready to step into their truth, learn to let go and reclaim their happiness and success. Together we can make miracles happen. Together we can do this