Total Mindset Detox
Create impact and income by striping everything back to basics.
Total Mindset Detox is a live 90 day Group program for the mind, body, and spirit for and spirit for ambitious, high-performers who want to live extraordinary lives aligned with their soul’s purpose.
Deep down, you already know you have a unique gift that people need.
The trouble is, you’re completely overwhelmed, doubting yourself and beginning to wonder whether anyone really wants – or even needs – what you have.
Packed with practical, easy-to-understand teachings and immersion exercises, Total Mindset Detox is a group program that will teach you everything you need to know to stop misdirecting your energy and start steering your life purposefully in the direction you want it to go.
Join me and I guarantee your beliefs about what is possible for you and your business will be radically transformed.
If you’ve read the books, taken other seminars, bought multiple online courses, worked with business courses and used every tool you could find to create new, consistent result, but it’s just not working… there’s a reason why.
Your Mindset!
It is the only thing actually holding you back from living your dream career and purpose.
A lot of my clients come to me because they have hit a wall, they feel at a loss with what to do next as they have tried everything they can and yet nothing is shifting! They have their goals sorted, their strategies in place, lots of creative ideas buzzing around in their mind and they are taking action BUT still they struggle to move beyond where they are right now…..
Success is 80% Mindset & 20% Strategy
If your mindset is out alignment and all over the place it is not possible to implement these Strategies effectively and as a result you become stuck, so we need to continually be working on that to make sure we are focused for success. I’ll be there to whip you into shape, virtual hug you when you need it and kick you up the booty when you are letting yourself down.
If you think you can or your think you can’t you are right!!! You are responsible for your your own success and it all starts with your Mindset! Hard Facts- At the heart of every problem and solution is mindset AND your mindset starts and finishes with YOU!
If you want to create change, create success, increase your confidence, reduce fear, take control of your life then your mindset needs to be in alignment with your goals! It all starts with the Triple A Formula…
Awareness – we don’t know what we don’t know, right?! Awareness is what provides you with the information you need to make changes – what is working, what isn’t, what is holding you back, what stories you have on repeat, what limitations you carry around with you and what triggers these emotions. I will help you to build your self awareness, to delve deep into your thoughts patterns and to understand what you need to let go of, so you can reframe your beliefs, let go of on patterns and not let your past define your future.
Action – staying the same is going backwards!!! In order to be successful and create change we need to take action! Your Brain is a muscle – it needs to be worked on everyday to give you the results you want! Goals have no meaning if you don’t take action, you need to be focused, committed and consistent so you can show up daily with intention and move forward daily.I will work on breaking down your goals to keep things simple so you have clear strategic plans in place that give you direction and clarity on what you need to do without feeling overwhelmed, distracted or unfocused.
Accountability –Worked Hard behind the scenes so you break cycles and try something new so you become really f**king good at what you do and are fully prepared, so you results. Read the books, deliver what you promise, learn from your mistakes, make connection, expand your knowledge, skills and abilities. I’ll be there to show you how I coach but I want you to make a commitment to make sure you an get your clients results.
Just imagine how would it FEEL to…
- Feel energised, motivated, focused and inspired, ready to take action consistently and with intention
- Manage your FEAR rationally and calmly
- Earn your true worth and create a money mindset that allows you to hit big financial goals you never thought possible
- Attract more money, success, happiness, health and love into your life.
- Identify patterns & triggers so you are one step ahead of the mind monkeys and can intervene and redirect your thoughts as soon as you notice the shift.
- Reduce Self Sabotage by breaking everything down, focusing on the important stuff and connecting with influencers and supporters who are ready to work with you.
- Gain clarity on what you really want based on who you are today and not on your past experiences.
- Increase your intuition, so that you can begin to trust yourself and your decisions again.
- Create a successful growth mindset that is right for YOU and one that will bring you the success you crave now and in the future
- Grow in confidence to step into your truth and become completely aligned with your soul purpose
- Be in control and show up daily with intention and focus
- Work alongside other, likeminded people and support each other as you learn and grow. No more lonely days or isolation.
- Work with an experienced Mindset Coach and Mentor who will support, guide and challenge you to bring your visions to life.
“I signed up as a beta tester for Total Mindset Detox as it was too good an opportunity to miss. I was at a complete loss with my business, confused, stuck and frustrated. My income had stalled and my ideas had dried up. I was on a vicious cycle of self doubt and procrastination. As a result of completing the program I have hit new Financial goals, pivoted my business and expanded my team. I can finally see the wood through the trees and breathe!!!” Kerry
Total Mindset Detox is a 90 day Group program that creates success at every level from the inside out..
Designed for people who want it all, people who want to have an impact, people who are focused and committed to creating success, happiness, results and a better future!
We work together to:
Release limiting beliefs and fears
Banish sabotage and procrastination
Build self awareness and leaves you feeling in control of your choices, actions and results
Let go of the past – past behaviours, thoughts and patterns
Create breakthroughs in all emotional levels of your life
Build Confidence, self belief and self worth to help you receive more.
It’s the perfect place if you’re ready to create change in your life and achieve the outcomes you deserve.
Total Mindset Detox: What’s included?
3 Mindset Modules
The programme consists of 3 Mindset modules all designed to transform your mindset, let go of limiting beliefs, manage fears, reduce self sabotage, Forgiveness and letting go helping you to gain clarity and grow in confidence so you become laser focused, energised, motivated and inspired to create change, break old habits, push boundaries, breakthrough limitations and become the best version of yourself
Each module with be delivered through video tutorials and with help to Detox your mind from everything that no longer serves you and help you to release any limiting beliefs that are playing a part in holding you back and stopping you from achieving the success and financial goals you want. We free up space and energy so you can start to focus on the RIGHT things, gain clarity, direction and confidence to show up daily with conviction and achieve your dreams.
Live Coaching Calls
WEEKLY Calls. Get your questions answered by me. I understand that I timezones can sometimes be an issue so all calls are recorded and you can submit all questions prior to the call. Calls last approx 60 minutes and the times will be varied each month to accommodate as many of you as possible. If you can’t jump on the calls, then you can always get support inside the facebook group.
1:1 Coaching
Every month I will run private 1:1 Accountability sessions to work on personal goals, review progress, challenge progress and create plans for the following Quarter.
Weekly Office hours support from me in FB
Weekly Office Hours support with me in the Fb group
I will also be popping into the group once a week to answer questions. In terms of support- I want you to get results and I am there to help you do that!
Workbooks, Resources & Templates
Workbooks, templates,Checklist
I want to make your life easier and save you time. You have be provided with workbooks and templates for all modules helping you to journal and keep accountable for your actions
Access to a high vibe, supportive facebook group full of like minded people offering support, guidance and love
Bonus Calls for first 48hours of launch
Quarterly private calls with me so we can address any areas of concern, create personalised plans in alignment with your goals as well as 1:1 support and guidance
“Working with Emma on her Total Mindset Detox program has been a fantastic experience, I learned so much about myself and was finally ready to face up to things that I had been avoiding for years. The content has made a lasting impression on me as has Emma’s coaching. It was important for me to work with a coach that understood my struggles and had implemented these tools and techniques in her own life and was living proof that they work. Emma went above and beyond to support us every step of the way and was always very quick to respond to questions” Jackie
“I have absolutely loved being part of Emma’s Total Mindset Detox course. I had done some mindset work before Emma’s course and had followed another prior course by someone else so I had an idea about the topics we might cover. But I just loved Emma’s take on it. I loved how she provided examples that were easy to implement.. no excuses! I loved how she concisely explained everything in a way that was easy to understand and made practical sense. Emma was dedicated to all of us who were taking her course and when we had a question, she was very quick to come back with advice or an answer. She certainly went the extra mile. Her videos captured her kick-ass personality and, quite frankly, that’s the kind of person you need running a course like this. But she kicked-ass in a caring and loving way…a way that made you want to create a better mindset and life for yourself. And you could easily see just how passionate she is about creating a positive mindset. She spoke and shared from her heart, showing us that she’d been there too and has managed to turn her life around by using the very examples she teaches. I highly recommend that everyone has Emma in their life. With her, your life will be happier, you’ll feel more fulfilled and your vibration will be higher.” Vivienne
It does not work if… You are a glass half empty kinda person who thrives on negativity and playing the victim
You are only doing it for the money
You like to spend your days whining, moaning, and complaining about how unfair life is
You aren’t ready to create change in your life and take responsibility for your outcomes.
So ask yourself – how would you feel if in 12 months time nothing had changed?
If you are open ready ambitious, focused and determined to create am impact on your life and happiness by committing to create change, better yourself and get out of your own way
And you want to finally stop listening to all of the conflicting advice out there and listen to someone who knows what works, has done it before, and gets results
Then let me put your heart at ease Total Mindset Detox is the solution you have been looking for.
Investment: £997 (in full)
or 4 x £275
First and foremost I have been where you are today and know first hand the transformation your mindset can have on your life!!
Before all this began I was just a girl who felt lost, trapped and totally broken. With a background that includes some serious trauma and abuse, I have had a few cards dealt to me that would be enough to make anyone call it quits BUT I didn’t!
I experienced judgement, pain, anxiety, and total overwhelm!! I thought I was damaged, not good enough, undeserving of success and happiness and felt held back by fear, self doubt, and lack of belief in my abilities. For years I existed, going through the motions, playing small, trying to fit in and focusing on just getting by until I made a CHOICE! I chose to stop being a victim, I chose to stop wallowing and I chose to help myself…..
Fast forward 10 years and I have built a highly successful international personal development company that helps people create rapid change, connect to who they really are and how to live their lives with passion and purpose.
I am a unique blend of Mindset Coach and Hypnotherapist, which allow me to get to the root cause of internal struggles and provides the techniques to use to transform your life.
I have worked with Global brands, large corporates, business owners and entrepreneurs all looking to break old patterns, strip everything back and create a mindset for success that is rightfully theirs.
I am the Queen of focus and organization juggling my business 3 days a week and spending quality time with my gorgeous miracle son.
My MAX Rules Frameworks are built around my three core principles – Mindset + Accountability = eXcellence
I am 100% transparent and honest and will support you all the way, by safely guiding you to identify, acknowledge and let go of everything that no longer serves you.
Everything I teach is transferrable into all areas of your life and if consistently used will form sustainable change and success.
I give you my all, over deliver and never give up. Your success is my success.
I keep you accountable – I will push you, support you and guide you until you reach your goals.
I am committed to growth and development and continue to work with the most amazing coaches so I have all the up to date knowledge and experience to help you to achieve your goals.
Everything I teach is tried, tested and perfectly safe. I get results!
For people who can’t afford to work with me 1:1 this is the perfect opportunity to work with me as well as meeting other like minded women who could become friends for life.
I love to have fun along the way – change doesn’t have to be hard. If you can laugh, have fun and enjoy it everything flows so much easier.
You truly can achieve ANYTHING you put your mind to if all three are in alignment.
I have worked with hundreds of people and helped them go from playing small, frustrated, overwhelmed, confused and unmotivated to confidence, focused and motivated with clear direction so they show up daily, take action.
Do you want to:
Believe in yourself enough to get out of your own way and take a chance on yourself?
Identify what has been holding you back and understand where these thought & behavioural patterns come from?
Take control of your happiness and success by managing your fear & boosting your confidence?
Feel energised, focused, inspired and motivated to create change?
Take risks, expand your knowledge, learn new skills and become the best version of you?
Make something of your life, to follow your passions and to break away from the norm so you can feel fulfilled, proud, accomplished and empowered?
Create sustainable success, happiness, health and wealth . so you can so up daily with intention?
Buy the dream home and pay it off fast, so you and your family have financial freedom?
Create huge impact and leave a legacy you can be proud of?
Travel, spend time with loved ones and create amazing memories?
One of the hardest things for any of us to do is to give ourselves permission to follow our passions and put ourselves first.
Often we are so consumed with the needs of others that we forget to focus on ourselves.
If you want to create a life that you love and achieve success that will make you proud, you need to learn to put yourself first. You must embrace your greatness, your inner sassiness and show up for your dreams every day.
The only person that can truly stop you from succeeding… is you.
I have made it my mission to help as many people as a I can to fall in love with life again and to trust in themselves again so they can reignite their passions, and turn their dreams into reality by believing and understanding anything is possible if you put your mind to it.
Whatever you want, I want to help you create the mindset you need to make it happen……….
Client Success:
Tamara has been head hunted by a leading Multi National Company to work freelance with them and has a created a pilot program that is now being delivered in the USA.
Laura went from a troubled relationship, low confidence and lack of self belief in her business to doubling her business growth, had time to spend with her children and met a new man in just 4 months
Kerrie went from struggling, low confidence and stagnant results, feeling like she never had time to do anything to building a supportive team around her to help build, expand and scale her business.
Vikki went from being a serial sabotager and constantly pushing away opportunities, money and happiness to running a successful business, making consistent £5k months and traveling the world with her family.
Jackie went from a job she hated, low self esteem and lack of self worth to landing her dream job, launching 2 new businesses and finding her perfect home.
Poppy went from £1000s in debt to transforming her money mindset, letting go of the old stories and making over £100,000 in Sales bonus in 2017.