
October Monthly Motivation – 3 Tools to use to help you transform your mind from fear to freedom and get the wheels in motion to create the life you deserve.

Oh wow, its that time again lovely ladies, another new month and another opportunity to create magic.

Consistency is key with success of all kinds whether that is self care, personal growth, careers, happiness, and anything else you can think of. To notice the change to feel the difference you need to keep going – even if you don’t want to and KNOW that you are on the right track.

What are you struggling with at the moment?

What is holding you back?


Are you feeling frustrated, lost, confused, anxious, overwhelmed and stressed OR are you feeling excited, energized, optimistic, focused and ready? Either way these fab tips I am about to share with you will help you to push past fear, to keep going and to remember how brilliant you are:



I have been doing this a lot since we moved and I have loved it!!! Having put it off for so long, waiting for a rainy day (which is most days lets be honest) and never actually pulling my finger out to get it done BUT it leaves you feeling amazing.

Just as we are guilty of hoarding stuff at home – just in case we need it, we also do this in our minds too. We hold onto memories, past experiences that no longer serve us or leave us feeling pretty crap and using them to control our decisions.

It is time to let them go. Decluttering frees up space, both physically and mentally. It gives us space to breathe, to think differently to start again and to not hold onto the past.

It is time to Spring/Autumn clean your house and get rid of anything that is broken, or reminds you or past times that aren’t pleasant, or that are just taking up space that can be used for something else.

Emotionally – what keeps coming up for you? What are you struggling with the most? How are you feeling? Don’t be afraid to be honest and let it all out. It is so important to address your emotions and release them. Like me you might have been carrying them around with you for so long you don’t know what life is like without them BUT it is so important to address them now and know what you are dealing with.




Dance like no one is watching and move around the room like you just don’t care. I promise it will make you smile. Every morning Max and I will have a little dance to kick start the day and I love it. Music is powerful – think of music that motivates and inspires you, that carries good memories and makes you smile a create a playlist to listen to.




You can expect others to treat you with love and respect, if you don’t do the same for yourself. This was one I struggled with for a long time – I hated myself and punished myself daily. I pushed people away and felt that no one understood me. I was blind to their help and support as I simply focused on self loathing. Now I make it my mission to be nicer to myself to love and respect who I am and how far I have come and to feel proud. What you put out to the world you get back. Learn to love yourself, learn to see the good in what you do and learn to take the pressure of being perfect – it doesn’t exist. You are awesome – believe it.

Have the most amazing month and remember to pop over to the Facebook group and let me know how you are getting on.

Love as Always

Emma xxx