
Is emotional trauma holding you back without you realising it?

Trauma can impact us on so many levels emotionally, physically and mentally, causing us to think, feel and act in a certain way.

Most people think that trauma is an event that leads to a physical injury.

And while that’s true in some cases, there’s so much more to it.

While all are tough to deal with, emotional trauma is probably the one that impacts us the most and is the most misunderstood, and yet it is something that all of us experience in one way or another.

As with anything internal we can’t see it, we are unaware of the inner conflict that is going on and we only get to see a behaviour or a reaction as a result of dealing with this trauma.

If someone lacks trust in people they could be seen as inconsistent, awkward, unapproachable.

If someone is driven by fear, they are seen as unsuccessful, weak, unfocused.

If someone is depressed they can be seen as moody, uninterested, distracted and unmotivated.

We make assumptions and judge people without taking the time to understand why they feel this way and where it is coming from.


Here are a few symptoms of unresolved emotional trauma:

01. Anxiety
02. Depression
03. Insomnia
04. Shame
05. Anger
06. Fear
08. Perfectionism
09. Procrastination
10. Inability to achieve goals
11. Lack of empathy
12. Bullying
13. Self-doubt
14. Not feeling worthy
15. Imposter Syndrome
16. Self-harm
17. Lack of trust in people
18. Addiction & Substance Abuse

Until we discover the root cause of these behaviours and symptoms we can’t move forward in the way we desperately want to.

We can paper over the cracks by tackling the behaviour and making small changes but the truth is, this symptom management is only a temporary solution, the driving force of these actions is still working off the same limited program.
When you actively work on getting to the root cause you can release it at its deepest levels and re-program the stories, feeling and actions that are associated with these beliefs. Deep healing can take place as you free your mind from the control as you dissociate yourself with the events that took place.

To change a behaviour, we need to understand a behaviour.

We need to approach the problem at it’s root cause not at the symptom level.

Trauma denial is a big part of why we are still stuck both on a personal level and on a professional.

If you what to grow personally, you need to get to the root cause of what is holding you back

If you want to grow professionally, you need to get to the root cause of what is holding you back.

If you want to grow financially, you need to get to the root cause of what is holding you back.

When you heal your trauma, you heal your life.

You got this!

Love as Always
