These past few weeks have flown by in a bit of a blur and it wasn’t until I sat down last night to plan my week ahead that I really got the chance to think about everything that has gone on and instead of overlooking it like I often do I took the time to write it all down and absorb it all.
Having just spent the weekend celebrating my sisters Birthday I was feeling the love and warmth of having amazing people in my life. It is something that I never take for granted ever and leaves me feeling calm in a way that no matter what life throws at me I know they always have me back.
This past few weeks have simply been amazing and have made me realize just how far I have come in my life and how much more in control I am of my own happiness. When I think back to how I felt even a year ago I don’t recognize myself. As a new mummy I was battling with guilt on a daily basis and dealing with balancing everything all at once while trying to be the best person I could be.
Our move is coming along nicely and I am about to move to my dream home (having sold ours in less than 24 hours) where I have space, freedom and 3 toilets!!!!! Everything we wanted and put on our dream board has come true and finally I get to go out and about with Max and not have to worry about coming home at a certain time just to get a parking space!!!! The joy and freedom a driveway brings is magical.
Since sharing my story with the FB world I have been overwhelmed with the love and support of everyone. Each day I hear something amazing and positive as a result of my video and it reinforces that I am on the right track. Everything I used to worry about has faded away and I feel in complete alignment for the first time EVER in my life. Not only am I following my passions but I also know that whatever my Ego wants to throw at me I can push past it. Declaring to the world that I have suffered from physical and sexual abuse is something I never thought possible. I am such a private person (believe it or not) and very few people knew the full extent of my story. What ifs, but and maybes flew around my head all day leading up to the video but I KNEW I had to do it. Everything in me was leading me to this moment, including the white butterfly I asked for from the universe!
Max told me he loves me!!!!! The words I have waited all my life for finally came out of Max’s mouth last week and I could have cried. I tell Max everyday that I love him and am constantly showering him with cuddles. Anyone who knows me, knows this little miracle is my life and to finally hear him tell me he loved me meant the world to me.
I love the fact that each day I learn something new, that I find a strength in me I didn’t know I had and I get to enjoy the small things in life that people take for granted.
Never give up on your dreams – Don’t give up on yourself or on what you truly want in life. We didn’t think we could move right now due to a financial situ that needed sorting BUT we put ourselves out there, took a chance and are now about to move into a house we LOVE. All to often we let our own thoughts restrict us and stop us from even exploring the possibilities. Open you mind to breaking free and taking a chance on yourself, amazing things happen when you ask for what you want and have the gratitude to allow yourself to receive it.
Follow your truth and don’t be scared – The most rewarding things are often the hardest but if you listen to your gut, trust in yourself and follow your truth you will reap the rewards. I have always been a believer in staying true to whom you are and not conforming with the norm. For a few months I lost my way again and it wasn’t until I finally listened to the voice within that I took action and followed my heart. Stand out from the crowd and be proud, there is only one YOU, no one else has walked in your shoes. You are unique and beautiful inside and out. Don’t let others take that from you – follow your passions, stand up for what you believe it and go for it.
Enjoy the moments, be present and focused – this is where memories are made. All to often we are so focused on the past or the future that we forget to live in the present time. Being present allows ideas to flow and is where memories are made. Give people your attention and let them know you care. Stop and take a breath and allow you mind to focus on the here and now. Don’t rush things else you miss the “I love you’s” that mean the world.
I’m excited for what is to come and I cant wait to share it all with you.
Keep going, you have come so far already and exciting things are coming for you.
Love as Always
Emma xxx
P.S. I am so excited to announce I am opening my doors to 2 more new 1-2-1 clients, where we will get the opportunity to work together for 4 months and really start to transform your mind from fear to freedom, to implement the amazing tools and techniques that have helped me to overcome my past and help you to really start to live the life you deserve. To find out more click HERE.
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