
Welcome to your April Edition of Monthly Motivation, #LIMITLESS Tips & Resources


Can you believe we are into Q2 already!! I actually really like Q2 the weather is getting better and I’m finding my flow with my goals! I know what worked and what needed changing which always gives me a bit of a boost!

Here at Emma HQ we are slowly getting back into normal working like now the schools have returned! There is so much good stuff happening behind the scenes and I’m chomping on the bit to get going!! We’re looking to expand out team and are hiring a new VA and SM assistant – which will save me so much time and energy! PLUS I have made some exciting changes to my offerings – this month you will see the launch on my NEW Freebie Library – jammed packed full of amazing freebies and resources to help boost your confidence, energy and abundance PLUS I have created 3 AMAZING low cost self study programs that are designed to help you start the transformational journey from doubting you are enough to trusting & believing you ARE ENOUGH!

This month I really want you to focus on boosting your confidence!

Confidence is one of the biggest things I see holding people back and causing them to play down their results, limit their success and hold them back from living the life they were born to live.

But like most things Confidence is a choice and is up to you.

Now I know this might feel hard right now but when you choose to STOP letting fear and doubt control you and CHOOSE to be confident – amazing things start to happen.

Your days of feeling a fraud, 2nd guessing your abilities, feeling overwhelmed and holding yourself back will be a distant memory.

BUT in order to grow in confidence you need to get clear on what BEING CONFIDENT looks and feels like to you first

So to get you started lets break it down…….




STEP 1 – What does being confident LOOK  & FEEL like to you?

We all have our own thoughts on this and it is really important for you to get really clear on what this means to YOU, so you know when you are feeling confident.

Journaling prompts

  • What does being confident mean to you?
  • What does it look like?
  • What does it feel like?
  • What will it allow you to do?
  • How will it impact your business?
  • How will it impact your life?


STEP 2 – Reconnect to YOUR Confident Feelings

We have all had times in our lives when things have gone really well and worked out amazingly. When everything you did was right.

We often forget these moments and instead focus on all the times we messed up, or did something stupid.

By taking the time to revisit these moments of confidence in your life will allow you to reconnect to your inner resources and unblock your connection with feeling confident!

Visualisation exercise

Spend some time revisiting times in your life when you felt confident,

Write down some moments you remember

Choose the one that stands out the most

Allow your mind to go back to that time and visualise

  • What you were doing?
  • How you were feeling?
  • What were you thinking?
  • What was your body language like?
  • Who were you with?

Allow yourself to really open this memory up and connect to the feelings it generates – remember when we FEEL confident it lifts our energy and vibration helping us to attract the right things!

Spend a few minutes really allowing yourself to see and believe that this is you, you are that person and if you’ve been confident before you can easily be confident again!

STEP 3-  Future Self mediation

Its time to bring steps 1 & 2 together

Taking everything from these last steps I want to you give yourself 10 minutes to sit in silence and daydream

Think of something you have been wanting to do that you’ve been holding back on.

Allow yourself to take everything from step 2 and combine it with WHAT confidence looks and feels like to you and start to create a movie in your mind

See yourself taking action, thinking clearly, positively and with confidence.

See everything you want to happen, happen!

Don’t rest this and enjoy every moment.

Allow yourself to stay in the this moment focused on YOU looking. & feeling confident – doing they things you want to do & getting the results you want to get!

If you are struggling to get going with this – download my Achieving Success Meditation in the freebie library and use this

** Check out my NEW I AM ENOUGH Self Study Program that is designed to boost your confidence, eliminate your limitations and hidden fears and set you up for #LIMITLESS Success & Happiness.


I am so excited to announce that i have created a FREEBIE LIBRARY where you have access to ALL my amazing free resources under one roof. Gone are the days where you have to sign up every time you want a new resource NOW you literally sign up once to receive your PERSONALISED LOGIN DETAILS and then you have lifetime access to the #LIMITLESS LIBRARY, where you will have access to

  • Guided Meditations
  • Workbooks
  • Planners
  • Video Training
  • Visualisations
  • Checklists
  • Printables
  • Affirmations Audios
  • E-Books
  • Plus so much more

Everything you need to help you to increase your confidence, boost your self belief, eliminate negative thought patterns, attract more abundance and manage fear

PLUS  – Whenever I create a new resource it will automatically be added to the library.

Sign Up Here to receive your LOGIN DETAILS for immediate access.


The #LIMITLESS Academy is my Monthly Membership – specially designed to breakdown the wall of self doubt, self sabotage and feelings of not being enough so you can create the LIMITLESS life and business of your dreams.

Helping you to create deep transformation at the SUBCONSCIOUS LEVEL so you can BELIEVE YOU ARE ENOUGH by letting go of self doubt, judgment, fear, and not feeling worthy to help elevate you to new levels of success, abundance, and confidence.

We work with you to help you take all the tools, strategies, resources and techniques and shape them into YOUR Life. Showing you HOW they WORK for YOU! Taking you from where you are now to where you want to be!

If you are looking for additional support and would love to be part on a growing community of people on a mission to create the best life & business they can then I invite you to join us.

For as little as £47 p/mth, you’ll receive

  • Monthly Live Coaching
  • Monthly Live Hypnotherapy Sessions
  • Monthly Success Kits – full of video trainings, workbooks & resources
  • Access to a LIMITLESS Resource Bank full of additional resources to help you create the results you are WORTHY & DESERVING of having!

CLICK HERE To join Today

Have the most amazing month and remember you have totally got this.

I am always here if you need me.

Love as Always
Emma xxx

P.S.I am inviting 2 special people to join me in my 6 month 1:1 Coaching program thats specially designed for Entrepreneurs & Online Coaches who want to overcome self doubt, eliminate all negative thought patterns and boost their self worth so they can scale their business, hit the big leagues and make life changing money.

This 6 month program is going to teach you how to BELIEVE & TRUST YOU ARE ENOUGH by letting go of judgment, fear, procrastination, self doubt, and perfectionism, so that you can live the Limitless Life you were born to live!!!

Book your FREE discovery call to APPLY.