
Are you going round in circles, getting nowhere fast and feeling like giving up?

This was exactly how I felt not so long ago, I had just been made redundant from my Training Managers role and was faced with a decision to stay with what I know or jump ship and follow my passion of running a business.

I have always liked to go against the grain and little bit and have never been good at being told what to do!!!! There had always been this burning desire that there was more to life than this but I didn’t know where to begin or what that looked like so I kept hustling away in my safe job, earning amazing money and moaning on a daily basis.

Having just got married and starting to try for a family the timing wasn’t ideal at all, but I couldn’t ignore this feeling anymore and decided it was now or never. I needed to go for it and see what happens. If all else fails I could go back to what I know and pick up from where I left off. It was a win-win situation really!!

Change is scary, change brings in a lot of unknowns and leaves you feeling vulnerable BUT Change is also liberating, empowering and exciting.

For the first time in my life I was in control of my destiny, I was free to make decisions, let go of the corporate hat and choose to do things my way. It felt scarily amazing. I didn’t have all the answers – in fact I didn’t have many at all but I knew that I could do this and that everything would work out ok if I stayed true to who I am and followed my passions.

You can do this too.


Along the way I have learnt that it is ok to not be perfect, if fact its really bloody good to not have to be perfect. If I made mistakes I learnt from them, and tried others things. I stopped waiting for the perfect time to do things and just got on with it. I let go of the fear that was holding me back and used it as my driving force to prove it wrong (I do love proving the doubters wrong – it feels sooooooo good!!).

You see the truth is, no one is perfect, no business is perfect, it is all about perception and how you view things. You can achieve anything you put your mind to; you just have to not let fear get in your way.

Here is how:

  • Believe in yourself and see how far you have come, what you have achieved and celebrate the breakthroughs.
  • Learn from every experience – good and bad and not let obstacles get in your way. Use them as opportunities to reflect and review where you are and what you are doing.
  • Use FEAR to push you forward and not hold you back.
  • Stay true to who you are and what you believe it.
  • Accept you can’t do EVERYTHING, and know its ok to outsource to others. This was a game changer for me, once I let go of trying to be the best at everything it freed up the time to focus on what I good at.
  • Be productive NOT busy. Create structure and action plans each month and delegate with your team.
  • Celebrate the wins, no matter how little they are, they are all important and play a massive part to your long-term success.
  • Keep going – it will be hard at times and you will feel like giving up BUT DON’T, you can do this; you have come so far already.
  • Build a team around you of friends, family and supporters.
  • Invest in yourself and let get guidance. It is all well and good signing up to all the free webinars and videos but they will only get you so far. Prove to yourself you are serious and invest in the support of a coach, who can working directly with you, share their successes and encourage you to keep going.
  • Never give up. Failure only exists if you walk away and stop trying; everything else is just feedback and experiences. Learn from them and use them to help you grow.

Listen to you gut, follow you passions and start living the life you really want. You have all the support you need; it is there for the taking. Have courage and go for it.

Love as Always

Emma xx


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